The Hydrocephalus Association Earns Coveted Four-Star Charity Rating

The Hydrocephalus Association has achieved the pinnacle of recognition by being named a Four-Star charity through Charity Navigator, marking the highest possible rating within their esteemed system, utilizing the Encompass Rating System™. We are thrilled to share this remarkable accomplishment with you, our cherished supporters.


What is the Encompass Rating System™ (ERS)?

The ERS is a comprehensive evaluation framework that meticulously assesses nonprofit organizations’ performance across four pivotal domains, aptly named “beacons.” These beacons are:

  1. Accountability & Finance: This beacon delves into the organization’s financial health, governance practices, and transparency in disclosing crucial financial information.
  2. Impact & Results: Here, the focus shifts to the effectiveness of the organization’s programs and the measurable outcomes they achieve. It helps evaluate the real-world impact of the charity’s efforts.
  3. Leadership & Adaptability: This beacon evaluates the leadership team’s capabilities and their ability to adapt and innovate in response to evolving challenges and opportunities.
  4. Culture & Community: The final beacon looks at the organization’s culture and its engagement with the communities it serves, emphasizing inclusivity and collaboration.

Each of these beacons is meticulously scored, providing a holistic view of the organization’s performance.


How Are Beacon Scores Earned?

You might be wondering how we earned these beacon scores . The answer lies in the dedication, transparency, and unwavering commitment of the Hydrocephalus Association. Our team has worked tirelessly to exceed industry standards and best practices, focusing on accountability, financial stewardship, program effectiveness, and community engagement.

Our ratings are not just analytical; they are also responsive to the needs of the hydrocephalus community. We believe in transparency, and our methodology draws from research, analysis, and valuable feedback from our constituents. Most importantly, the Hydrocephalus Association is driven by our desire to have a significant impact through all of our programs and services. We exist to make a difference in the lives of those we serve.

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