Hydrocephalus is not as widely known as other health conditions -- even those with smaller incidence numbers! That's why we need YOUR HELP to spread awareness about this complex condition. Let's bring hydrocephalus out of the shadows!

Educate Others on Social Media
Harness the power of social media to educate your family, friends, and social followers about hydrocephalus, how it impacts you and your loved ones, and how they can help make a difference! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn and be sure to share, like and retweet our daily educational and research posts. Then, use our Social Media Toolkit to create your own posts about hydrocephalus.

Get Involved in Hydrocephalus
Awareness Month (HAM)
September is Hydrocephalus Awareness Month – our chance to bring national attention to the one million Americans living with hydrocephalus. Join the growing number of individuals, communities and organizations during Hydrocephalus Awareness Month, who are calling attention to the impact of this condition and urging people to donate and get involved.
Have a birthday, anniversary or another major milestone coming up? Celebrate by starting a fundraiser for the Hydrocephalus Association on Facebook! Facebook makes it easy for you to raise money for the Hydrocephalus Association and invite friends and family to help. 100% of the funds you raise will be delivered to us. Let your friends and family gift you something that can make a huge difference!
Connect with us
Start your journey today with the Hydrocephalus Association’s network of hydrocephalus patients, caregivers, supporters, and friends. Like, subscribe, and follow us to keep up with the latest hydrocephalus research news, events, inspirational stories, and more.
In The News
Natasha Buchanan said her inspiration behind the walk is her 7-year-old son Zander Buchanan. He’s an active child, and by looking at him, you’d never know he has hydrocephalus.
Natasha Buchanan said her inspiration behind the walk is her 7-year-old son Zander Buchanan. He’s an active child, and by looking at him, you’d never know he has hydrocephalus.
‘Society’ of Ryans saves infant Ryan’s life by raising enough money for hydrocephalus treatment in under an hour.
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WALK to end Hydrocephalus in Omaha co-chairs joined KETV in studio to discuss this year’s walk
The Omaha Walk to End Hydrocephalus is one of 40 walks across the country. The Co-Chairs of the Omaha walk Karin Donner and Hailee Schmit joined KETV in the studio to discuss this year’s walk.