Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

At the Hydrocephalus Association, we are committed to fostering an inclusive and equitable environment where all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds, experiences, or identities, feel valued, respected, and empowered. We believe that embracing diversity in all its forms strengthens our organization, enriches our perspectives, and drives innovation to better serve our community.



We recognize that diversity encompasses a wide range of characteristics, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic status, religion, and cultural background. We embrace and celebrate this diversity as it contributes to the richness and strength of our organization and the hydrocephalus community as a whole. 


We are dedicated to promoting equity by ensuring fair treatment, equal access to resources, and opportunities for growth and development. We strive to dismantle systemic barriers and address disparities that may exist within our organization and the broader hydrocephalus community. By advocating for equity, we aim to create an environment where everyone has an equal chance to thrive and succeed.



We are committed to fostering a culture of inclusion where all individuals feel welcomed, heard, and valued. We actively seek diverse perspectives, encourage open dialogue, and promote collaboration to create a safe and supportive space for everyone. By embracing inclusion, we aim to foster a sense of belonging, encourage authenticity, and empower individuals to contribute their unique talents and experiences to the betterment of our organization and the hydrocephalus community.


We recognize that achieving true diversity, equity, and inclusion requires continuous effort and ongoing education. We are dedicated to implementing policies, practices, and programs that promote diversity, foster equity, and cultivate inclusion at all levels of our organization. We commit to regularly assessing our progress, listening to feedback from our community, and evolving our approach to ensure that we are continuously improving and creating a more inclusive and equitable environment.


Together, as a united community, we will work toward a future where everyone impacted by hydrocephalus can thrive, regardless of their background or circumstances. By embracing diversity, promoting equity, and fostering inclusion, we will drive positive change, advance research and treatment, and empower individuals to live their fullest lives.

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