
Talk with someone who understands

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HA wants you to know that You Are Not Alone – We Are Here For You!

The Hydrocephalus Association staff and teams of trained volunteers are ready to answer your questions and listen to your concerns either by phone or email. Simply click on one of the following buttons to get connected to a volunteer or staff member for support, information and connection.

One-to-one peer support

A hydrocephalus diagnosis or a new challenge in your journey can feel overwhelming and difficult to manage. Since every experience with hydrocephalus is unique, we aim to connect you with someone who has “been there” and faced a situation similar to yours.

Email Request

Have questions about hydrocephalus, treatment options, ongoing care, or how it affects daily life? Our dedicated cyber volunteers are available to answer your questions and share their personal experiences via email.



It’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed when dealing with a chronic medical condition, and we want you to know there are resources available to you. In addition to educational resources and programs, we offer a toll-free helpline to provide support when you need it most. Through the helpline, we answer your questions and refer you to helpful educational resources and support programs.

pen pal

Pen Pal Program: Ages 7-12

Our Pen pal program is designed to support kids ages 7-12 in finding real and lasting friendships with others that understand the journey with hydrocephalus. Being and having a Pen pal can help your child develop a sense of connection and genuine friendship.

HA DISCLAIMER: The information contained in the Hydrocephalus Association HydrocephalusCONNECT Program is for the purpose of sharing experiences, education and support. Nothing contained in these conversations is intended to be instructional for medical diagnosis or treatment. The information should not be considered complete, nor should it be relied on to suggest a course of treatment for a particular individual. It should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation or the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider. Information obtained through HydrocephalusCONNECT peer support is not exhaustive and may not cover specific issues related to hydrocephalus treatments, other disabilities or conditions/diseases or their treatment. Should you have any health care related questions, please call or see your physician or other qualified healthcare provider promptly. Always consult with your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before embarking on a new treatment, diet or fitness program. You should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking medical advice because of something you have heard through a Hydrocephalus Association HydrocephalusCONNECT Peer Support encounter.

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