Hydro Mom Organizes Successful Golf Fundraiser for HA

Over 100 golfers in the South Florida area came together on July 20th for an important cause – to raise funds for a cure for hydrocephalus. The Jacaranda Summer Series Tournament, held at the Jacaranda Golf Club in Plantation, FL, raised over $17,000 for the Hydrocephalus Association.

(From L to R) Kasey Andrew, Kathy Andrew, Spenser and her twin sister Skyler.

The tournament was organized by Kasey Andrew, who is Chief Financial Officer and Director of Membership for the Jacaranda Golf Club. She is also a passionate hydro mom, whose 3-year-old daughter Spenser was diagnosed with hydrocephalus when Kasey was 32 weeks pregnant.

“Spenser is my feisty little hydro warrior who’s been fighting since she was born due to this condition. She had four brain surgeries before she was 3 years old and fights hard to do things that come so easily to other people,” Kasey explained. “Raising awareness in the community and even among people that I know is very important to me. That’s how I fight and advocate for her.”

The event, which attracted around 170 people, included golf, other fun activities, and a variety of ways to donate to the Hydrocephalus Association. The club partnered with a local company that allowed participants to shoot their golf ball out of a canon if they donated $20. There were also contests for long drive and closest to the pin on two separate holes. Golfers and guests also had the opportunity to meet the Florida Panthers NHL hockey team mascot.

The event’s success surprised even Kasey.

“When I started planning the tournament I was hoping to make $5000. When I Saw the final number, I was honestly in disbelief.  I never could have imagined raising that much money in the 1st year of the event and I was completely overwhelmed emotionally and so humbled by the support we received,” she said.

The tournament was also an opportunity to educate the local community about hydrocephalus and to encourage them to get involved with the Hydrocephalus Association.

“I think sometimes people see Spenser and think nothing is wrong. They just don’t have any concept of what it means to have hydrocephalus. So I think this event allowed people who had never heard of hydrocephalus to receive some exposure as well as enlighten people who knew what it was but didn’t realize what that actually entails or how it impacts our lives and the lives of so many other people,” Kasey said.

HA would like to thank Kasey and the Jacaranda Golf Club for putting this event together! To create your own fundraiser for HA, or for fundraising ideas, visit our DIY Fundraising page.


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