Get the Exclusive Hydrocephalus Scoop on Capitol Hill for October 2024
The Calm Before the Storm
Capitol Hill may seem calm on the outside, but on the inside, it’s a different story. While members of Congress campaign in their districts across the country, healthcare advocates are working tirelessly to ensure passage of key healthcare legislation before the end of the 118th Congress.
Every two years, a new Session of Congress begins. New members are sworn in to their positions and the legislative calendar resets. This means that legislation that failed to pass in the last Congress must be reintroduced. And no matter how far the bill was able to travel before passage in the last session, the bill must start from the beginning.
This structure emphasizes the high stakes of must-pass healthcare legislation impacting the chronic condition community. HA has been partnering with other patient and research organizations to reinforce the importance of passing various legislation before the end of the year.
Support of Medicare Coverage for Breakthrough Medical Devices
HA signed onto a letter circulated by the Advanced Medical Technology Association urging Congress to pass H.R.1691 – Ensuring Patient Access to Critical Breakthrough Products Act of 2023. The bill would grant immediate Medicare coverage for medical technology approved through the FDA Breakthrough Program. A designation from the program enables priority review and enhanced communication with the FDA during the clinical trial and premarket review process. This allows medical technology with critical impact to reach patients faster.
Cerevasc recently received Breakthrough Designation for its eShunt System, which will be used to treat Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH).
Strengthening the Provider Workforce Pipeline in Underserved Communities
HA signed on to a letter by the American Academy of Neurology urging House and Senate leaders to pass the Conrad State 30 and Physician Access Reauthorization Act (H.R. 4942/S. 665) and the Healthcare Workforce Resilience Act (H.R. 6025/S. 3211) by the end of the Congress.
The letter centers on the crisis of physician shortages in rural and underserved communities across the United States. H.R. 4942/S. 665 would reauthorize the Conrad 30 waiver program, which allows highly skilled foreign physicians who complete medical residency in the United States to withgo requirements in return for practicing in areas with high medical demand. To receive a waiver, an individual must practice in a federally designated rural or underserved area for three years. Participation in the program allows foreign physicians to withgo requirements that mandate their return to a country of origin for two years before they can apply for an American visa or green card.
The Healthcare Workforce Resilience Act would allow the large number of foreign nurses and physicians who have temporary immigration status to adjust their status permanently. These common sense provisions would allow thousands of medical professionals to continue serving patients in communities across the country.
Chronic neurological conditions do not discriminate based on geography. Therefore common sense, bipartisan legislation is crucial to ensure that patients have access to necessary care.
Support for Transparent and Fair Billing Practice Impacting Patients
HA signed on to a letter by Families USA urging Congress to push key healthcare legislation over the line before the end of the 118th Congress. Issues in the letter focused on the importance of fair billing practices like the eradication of facility fees, pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) transparency, and addressing anticompetitive practices in the healthcare space. Pro-consumer policies like the letter highlights will ensure access to affordable care for patients throughout the country.
Congressman Don Bacon Walks to Spread Hydrocephalus Awareness in Omaha
On a positive note, we recently welcomed an amazing guest to our Walk to End Hydrocephalus in Omaha. Nebraska Representative and member of the Congressional Hydrocephalus Caucus, Congressman Don Bacon (NE-02), spoke and walked in solidarity with Hydrocephalus families from throughout the state. Individuals and families affected by the condition were also able to share their story in hopes to impact change.
We greatly appreciate the Congressman’s support and commitment to the hydrocephalus community.
Wednesday, November 6 Hydrocephalus Advocacy Update
Be sure to visit our awesome Advocacy Center and take action on our legislative alerts. We need to ensure that Congress is hearing us loudly! Want to deep dive into these issues? Don’t forget to join us for our next Advocacy Update November 6th at 7:00 pm Eastern. If you haven’t signed up yet, click here to register.
September – November Walk Season
Fall means WALK SEASON! Cities around the country are hosting in-person walks to spread awareness and raise money for the hydrocephalus community. They are a great opportunity to meet others in your local hydrocephalus community.
To find a WALK close to you, please visit our WEBSITE .