Diagnosed at 67


Story Written by Author/Self

My name is Evelyn and I was diagnosed with normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) in December 2005. However, it took ten months to receive a diagnosis because I only had one symptom – trouble lifting my feet and walking.

I saw many doctors and underwent many tests. After I was finally diagnosed, I reviewed an MRI taken much earlier in the year, in February 2005. In the middle of the report, it said, “Do not rule out hydrocephalus.” I hadn’t read the report before nor had I heard of hydrocephalus. I guess the doctor who did originally read the report did not pay much attention to that line.

In early 2005, my symptoms worsened at a rapid pace. As the months passed, I had to hold on to walls when I walked or hold onto my husband or whoever was nearby. A friend told me of a Johnson and Johnson commercial she had seen and said it looked like what I was going through. I requested the information they were offering, and at the same time, I made an appointment to see a new neurologist.

In October 2005, I truly self-diagnosed myself after reading the information from Johnson and Johnson. I kept the appointment with the new doctor and took the MRI with me that was taken in February. He told me I had NPH. I had never heard of it and mispronounced the word for many days after that.

My doctor recommended a neurosurgeon in our area, Dr. Greg Zorman. On December 16, 2005 he performed my surgery to insert a shunt and Medtronic’s programmable valve. I am happy to report that it has given me no trouble after all these years. I am sharing my story because I have read that some are not convinced that shunts are an effective treatment for NPH.

I did have to learn to walk again and spent around three months in physical therapy. Each week I became stronger, and on March 20, 2006, 13 1/2 weeks after my surgery (a date I will never forget), I walked without my walker.

I feel so blessed to be coming up on 18 years since surgery, and I have still not had any problems with my shunt. Today I am a very active, independent senior, and I hope my life continues on this track.

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