Diagnosed at Birth


Story Written by Mother

The story of Cecilia is one that resonates with resilience and hope, a testament to the incredible strength of the human spirit. Born prematurely at just 29 weeks gestation due to cervical incompetency, Cecilia’s journey has been marked by both challenges and triumphs.

In the summer of 2022, Cecilia made her grand entrance into the world, a tiny warrior ready to face whatever lay ahead. Her prematurity, however, brought its own set of hurdles. At a mere two weeks of life, she encountered a grade three bilateral intraventricular hemorrhage, a daunting complication of her early arrival. But Cecilia’s fighting spirit shone through as she confronted this adversity.

At the tender age of four weeks, Cecilia embarked on her first brain surgery, the placement of a ventricular reservoir. It was a temporary solution to manage her hydrocephalus while she gained the strength needed for the subsequent brain surgery to insert a ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt. Her courage knew no bounds, and at just seven weeks of age, she underwent brain surgery to have the VP shunt placed with remarkable ease. The NICU became her home for 83 days, a testament to her determination and resilience.

Returning home, Cecilia grew and blossomed for several weeks. She grew and thrived, overcoming the odds with every passing day. But in November, the unexpected happened; Cecilia was rushed to the ER, her little body battling a shunt infection. Within hours, she found herself in septic shock, embarking on a journey that would test her strength like never before.

Over the course of 32 days in the pediatric intensive care unit, Cecilia faced three brain surgeries and clung to life during ten harrowing days on life support. December marked her triumphant return home, armed with a new shunt system and an unwavering spirit.

Cecilia defied the odds and emerged remarkably well from the challenging ordeal. The widespread infection, meningitis, ventriculitis, and sepsis, while formidable adversaries, left her largely unscathed. Since her discharge in December, Cecilia has been an inspiration, meeting her milestones on her terms. Yet, her journey was far from over.

In the four months that followed, Cecilia underwent five shunt revisions, battling the persistent effects of scar tissue buildup from the infection. Now, she has two shunts, one on each side of her brain, and three catheters diligently draining her cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Through it all, her resilience remains unshaken.

Cecilia, at just eight months old, stands as a beacon of hope and strength. Despite the challenges she’s faced, her spirit remains unbreakable, her smile infectious. In her, we find a reminder that hope and determination can conquer even the most daunting of trials. Cecilia is not just a survivor; she is a testament to the power of the human spirit, a perfect embodiment of courage, resilience, and unwavering hope.

Tell us about your journey with hydrocephalus!

Share your story of hope and perseverance with us! We will feature the amazing individuals in our community who are living life to the fullest regardless of their condition! Stories are reviewed by our staff and posted on our website and through social media. Stories should be no more than 800 words long. Click here to submit your story today!

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For questions, email: communications@hydroassoc.org with the subject line “Share Your Story”.

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