Employment and Hydrocephalus
Many adults diagnosed with hydrocephalus lead full lives with proper management of the condition. People diagnosed with hydrocephalus in childhood often go on to find jobs and people diagnosed in adulthood often continue working long after their diagnosis. However, hydrocephalus is a complex condition and the long-term effects vary greatly from person to person. Just as there are adults that are employed full-time, there are also adults who can only work part-time or are unable to find employment due to crippling symptoms and various challenges such as headaches, chronic pain, executive function disorder, or memory deficits.
As an unpredictable condition, hydrocephalus can have varying effects on a person’s ability to work. The need for an unexpected, urgent brain surgery might make you question whether you can continue to work. However, after recovery, you might feel differently and wonder why you were worried at all.
What You Need to Know
Disclosing in the Workplace
The decision to disclose your condition in the workplace can be a complex one, which requires careful thought, planning, and consideration. There is no right or wrong decision. Every person and every job situation is going to be different and no two people feel exactly the same about sharing their condition.
Effective Workplace Accommodations for Employees with Hydrocephalus
Discover key workplace accommodations for employees with hydrocephalus, including flexible scheduling, ergonomic setups, and emergency preparedness. Learn how to advocate for support, manage symptoms, and thrive in your career.
How to Manage Invisible Symptoms of Hydrocephalus at Work
Managing invisible symptoms of hydrocephalus, like headaches, fatigue, and cognitive challenges, during the workday can feel overwhelming. This article offers practical strategies—from creating a supportive workspace to using symptom management kits—to help maintain productivity and well-being while navigating these challenges.
How to Manage Hydrocephalus in the Workplace
Managing hydrocephalus in the workplace can be challenging. Join Preston Calhoun, PHR, SHRM-CP, and Jennifer Thomas, FPC, from ADP, in this recorded session from the Hydrocephalus Association’s 2023 Virtual Conference on Hydrocephalus, to learn how to navigate relationships with HR, supervisors, and coworkers, and advocate for accommodations when needed. Discover the protections available to you and promote a positive work environment for your professional development.
Hydrocephalus in the Workplace: What you need to know
This hour-long session will explore the rights of people with disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Presenter Sashi Nisankarao, an ADA specialist at the Southwest ADA Center, will detail the protections people with disabilities have as they navigate through the different phases of employment, from application to termination. Illustrative scenarios will be used to demonstrate how nondiscrimination and reasonable accommodations apply to employees with hydrocephalus. Since hydrocephalus affects so many different functions, this session will detail accommodation ideas based on various physical and mental impairments. This session is interactive, and participation is highly encouraged.
Employment and Hydrocephalus
In this video, Abigail Helget gives a general overview of ADA Minnesota and requesting accommodations. She provides additional resources for individuals if they want to talk about their specific situation. She will also provide information about workplace benefits and some of the common myths and misconceptions.

Do You Know Your Rights?
Living with a chronic medical condition like hydrocephalus can also mean living with a number of other health conditions, including mild to severe physical, cognitive, and/or mental health challenges. As adults (or children growing into adults) living with differing abilities, what protections do we have under federal law? How is disability defined in the U.S.? How can this definition both define and confine us, as individuals?
Watch our webinar recording with Betty Siegel, a nationally recognized leader in disability, human and civil rights, and Marian Vessels, recently retired Director of the Mid-Atlantic ADA Center, for an engaging presentation on the history and evolution of federal laws and legislation for individuals with disabilities, the protections they provide, and how they relate to individuals living with hydrocephalus. If you've heard of an IEP or a 504 plan, have felt that you were treated differently or that you had to hide your hydrocephalus or any other differing abilities, this webinar is for you!

Making Your Work Environment Work For You
People living with hydrocephalus can have successful careers. Sometimes they just need to make a few modifications to ensure they can thrive at their place of work. Here are simple steps you can take to optimize your work environment.

Get on the Right Career Track
Having hydrocephalus doesn't have to define you. Learn how to use your talents and interests to guide you to a career that suits you best.

Balancing Work, School, and Hydrocephalus
Carly has dealt with multiple shunt malfunctions in her life. In this blog, she shares the important takeaways about what it means to balance parts of your life along with hydrocephalus.

Workplace Communication Tips for People Living with Disabilities
Just because you have a disability doesn’t mean you can’t be successful in the workplace. It’s important to know your rights and to have good communication skills. Here are some tips to help you become an effective worker and to make friends and allies in the workplace.